White Marlin Fishing Information
source: myfwc.com
illustrations: Diane Rome Peebles
Description: color of body dark blue to chocolate brown,
shading to slivery white underbelly; noticeable
spots on dorsal fin; upper jaw elongated in shape
of a spear; body covered with imbedded scales with a
single sharp point; tips of first dorsal, pectoral, and first
anal fins rounded; lateral line curved above pectoral fin then
going in straight line to base of tail.
Similar fish: blue marlin, M. nigricans.
Where found: OFFSHORE, a bluewater fish.
Size: common to 8 feet.
Remarks: uses its bill to stun fast-moving fishes, then turns to consume them; spawning procedures unknown; ranges
throughout the Atlantic and Caribbean; feeds on squid and pelagic fishes.